The Perfect Plan

By the end of 2019, my partner and I moved to my German hometown of Bayreuth, fresh off a 6-month sabbatical in South East Asia.

We had exciting times ahead of us: I was about to found my first business, and he was looking for a remote job as a software developer.

Our much anticipated goal: becoming 100% location-independent. We'd spend more time with our families and friends scattered all over Europe and beyond, as well as travelling to many new and exciting places.

The perfect plan - what could go wrong?

Well, we all know what happened next. ๐Ÿ˜

My Remedy For The Lockdown Blues

I think we can all agree that adjusting to lockdown life has been challenging. But I did find a great remedy for the times when the lockdown blues hit me:

Virtual game nights with friends & family!

Not convinced? Here's why you should try it:

Ok, now let's see how you can make the perfect game night happen.

My Top 3 Game Night Contenders

Here are the games that I've enjoyed most over the last months. They're all available for free and in many languages - you'll find the links in the titles.

Codenames ยท 4 - 64 players

You're a spy team on a secret mission: identifiying the right agents before the opposing spies can. In order to do that, your spymaster gives you a clue that you're using to contact the correct agent aliases, like "Eagle" or "Berlin". But you got to watch out for the secret assassin... A very cunning word game that never gets boring.

Gartic Phone ยท 4 - 30 players

Gartic Phone is a very funny game that we used to call "Silent Post" as kids. At the beginning, you make up a funny sentence. Taking turns, you have to draw another person's sentence and then to write down the meaning of their drawings. The end results are usually hilarious. Oldie but goldie.

Taboo ยท 4 - many players

Another classic that hasn't lost its charm in 2021. The game is very simple: You have to explain a predefined word to someone without using any of the related words listed on your screen. The more words your team guesses, the more points you get. You can change the language in the menu on the left side.

A Few Honorary Mentions:

Catan: Beautiful digitized board game that is all about using land resources to expand your settlements. One of my favorite games of all time. To play it with your friends (and not random people), you have to pay a few Euros.

**Kniffel/Yatzy:** Free dice game that draws on luck and strategy. You can even message the table number to a friend or play against strangers. A very simple game that is great if you have limited time or energy.

Werewolves: The spiritual predecessor of "Among us", but way cooler ๐Ÿ˜œ In this role game, you have to protect your village from evil werewolves as peasants, healer or seer. Or kill as many innocent people as you can...

5 Tips For Your Game Night

[1] Take the games you love & "virtualize" them.

Admittedly, it's easier to start with online-ready games like the ones I recommended you already.

But it's also fun to explore how you can make your favorite childhood games work digitally!

For many games, you just need an additional camera (e.g. second phone or webcam) and you're ready to roll.

[2] Use different devices for playing and communicating.

For example, do a Zoom call on your laptop while you're playing on your phones or tablets.

It feels much more like a "real" evening with your loved ones if you can see each other all the time.

[3] Plan in time for explaining the rules and technical issues.

Because the odds are high that not all people are gaming enthusiasts and tech-savvy as you, my Notion lover ๐Ÿ˜œ

And that's OK. Make sure it's an enjoyable experience for everyone.

[4] Go over the top and turn it into a theme party.

For example, dress up in suits and wear sunglasses if you're playing a spy game.

Or send out a recipe for a themed drink/snack in advance. Put in some effort and get double the fun in return!

[5] Snacks!!

Do I need to say more?

And there you have it!

My best tips and recommendations for a great game night in these strange and sometimes scary times. I sincerely hope that you try it. The reward will hopefully be a very entertaining time with your loved ones.

Because we can all do with a few fun and care-free moments right now!

I'd be delighted to see a pic of your game night on Twitter! Tag me so I don't miss it: @dagmarmehling

Stay health & happy!


Illustration by Roxana Rodriguez

Article by Dagmar Mehling

Notion Consultant & No-Code Developer

Website | Twitter | **Linkedin** | YouTube

Book your free 30 minute Notion Consultation Session here!

Photos taken by Malcolm Lightbody, Praveen K. Mathivanan and Brett Jordan from Unsplash

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