Crystals, herbal tinctures, mediations and reiki practices - all of the things I've tried during my journey of self-help and introspection. My close friends would always see me as the unconventional type - the one who resulted to natural remedies and spiritual practices. But through this journey, I have yet to find the cure to it all.

I've been living with mental disability for my entire adult life and parts of my childhood. I looked for ways to prove to the world that I can manage my life without medication and other modernized ways treatment. There was a point in my life I believed this part of my life was irreversible. At some point in my life, I was exhausted of these attempts and decided to try once more. I was introduced to tarot sometime during my college career. I had an amazing roommate who was also interested in the craft. We did it for fun most times and other times did it with serious intent. Years later, I revisited my love for tarot.

Tarot is one of the most popular tools of divination. There are arguments of its origin, between France, Italy or even Egypt. Regardless of its origin, tarot brings the reader in to trust their own intuition and ability to read its cards. Although it is not as simple as pendulums, it has drawn people all over the world to its wonderful world of magic.

Image from Sunday Riley

Image from Sunday Riley

Tarot has allowed me to increase my intuitive words and has increased my self-confidence. In my early stages, I used tarot as strictly leisure and entertain. Although the divination tool is still used as entertainment for my purposes, there are times tarot has helped soothed my anxious thoughts by proving my insight of my own behaviors and patterns. I do not use the tool for future telling or psychic abilities, but instead to zone into these parts of my life I seem to look over. It has increased accountability and self-help talk.

Another amazing thing about tarot that has helped me with my own anxieties is being able to help others with their own difficulties.

Sometimes when you are overwhelmed with your own thoughts and complexities in life, being able to lend a helping hand to the next person can boost your own confidence and soothe your mind. I love being able to assist my friends and loved ones and provide some clarity on their own concerns. Over the past 11 years, I have learned so much about the connection between different religious systems, spiritual beliefs, numbers and even astrological occurrences.

Although this is not an end-all-be-all treatment for anxiety and depression, it is definitely a tool that has regulated my moods and compulsive thoughts. I direct these energies into the cards and release them into the universe.

Sleep Meditation Sound Tracks

Self-Love Affirmations

I am the master of my journey and outcome.

I find new things to love about myself everyday.

Good things happen to me because I am worthy of it.

I love myself.

I give love and receive love.

I am surrounded by love.

Life does not have to be perfect to be beautiful and fulfilling.

I am doing enough, I am enough.

Tarot Spread for Self-Love

Everyone has their own techniques for reading and dealing card. I tend to knock three times on the back of my deck, thank my Ancestors, spirit guides and those who came before. I proceed to ask them for guidance and set my intentions on the cards.

Below is a lovely self-love tarot spread, very short and direct. Great for beginner readers. Remember, trust yourself! Whatever comes to you is the message for you.

Credit to Interrobang Tarot

Credit to Interrobang Tarot

Illustration by  Roxana Rodriguez

Illustration by Roxana Rodriguez

Article by Adjoa Kittoe.

Adjoa Kittoe is a private chef, food writer & Notion Ambassador for the hospitality and food industry.

She specializes in refined West African, Modern American and plant based cuisine.

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Image credit from Unsplash and Sunday Riley.

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